Tennessee Drug Rehabilitation and Intervention

Addiction Help Resources

The estimated number of alcoholics in Tennessee in 2005 was 329,000 of which 316,000 estimated individuals with an alcohol related problem did not receive any alcohol treatment from a Tennessee rehabilitation center. The estimated number of people with a drug abuse problem in Tennessee in 2005 was 155,000 of which 146,000 estimated individuals with a drug related problem did not receive any drug intervention treatment from a Tennessee rehabilitation center.

While these statistics are alarming, they are similar throughout the United States. There is Tennessee drug rehab and alcohol treatment centers available to help addicts recover from their addiction, but many addicts are incapable of asking for the help they need, let alone taking the steps that are necessary to get into a treatment facility. More often than not, instead of getting help from a Tennessee drug rehab program or alcohol rehabilitation program, they slide even deeper into their addiction. It is usually left to the family, friends and communities that the addicts live in to seek out help for them with an intervention for alcoholism or drug abuse.

It can be very difficult to admit that you need to do a intervention for your loved one, but it is necessary.

Addicts are on a slippery slope in their lives, one that will eventually lead to death or imprisonment, caused by their addictions. Addicts will do just about anything to get their next drink or fix; including harming the people they love physically, emotionally and mentally. People who stand in their way of their addiction are not ‘friends’ in their eyes, they are an obstacle that must be overcome to get to the comfort of their addiction.

Yes, intervening is difficult, but it is necessary.

There will be a day that your loved one will thank you for loving them enough to stage an alcohol or drug intervention and get them into a Tennessee treatment center for the help they need.

Call For Help

There are a variety of Tennessee addiction treatment centers available to help and they offer a variety of services which include inpatient addiction treatment, short and long term residential rehab facilities, and outpatient care. On top of that, there are many after care and follow up support services that are meant to compliment the Tennessee addiction treatment and help addicts stay on the road to addiction recovery.

Tennessee Addiction Support Hotlines

Brentwood – (615) 810-8426 Franklin – (615) 224-8063
Bristol – (276) 644-2008 Jackson – (731) 506-4285
Charlotte – (615) 257-1621 Knoxville – (865) 978-6491
Charlotte – (615) 547-2382 Memphis – (901) 672-6241
Charlotte – (615) 671-4588 Morristown – (423) 254-5434
Chattanooga – (423) 208-9047 Murfreesboro – (615) 410-2258
Clarksville – (931) 266-0122 Nashville – (615) 547-2383
Cleveland – (423) 244-0141 Nashville – (615) 810-8423
Collierville – (901) 221-4025 Smyrna – (615) 810-8429
Columbia – (931) 548-0659

The support that an addict receives after being in a Tennessee rehab facility is imperative to their success

The more support that is available from the community, family, friends and Tennessee addiction recovery services, the more likely they will succeed with their rehabilitation from alcoholism or drug abuse.

Addiction treatment and rehabilitation is a life long process, one that never ends. Addicts easily fall back into their old ways without this support. During their alcohol rehab program or drug treatment, addicts will get the information; tools and skills they need to leave the treatment facility and enjoy a drug and alcohol free life in society.


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