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Drug Courts Helping Drug Addiction in Massachusetts

Drug courts have become quite significant in the overall addiction treatment program in Massachusetts of late. If you look at the statistics of drug related crimes and the subsequent rulings in Massachusetts and then track their progress, you will find that the drug court programs have actually helped to bring drug addiction in Massachusetts down by a significant amount.

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Treating Heroin Addiction in Massachusetts

Buprenorphine initiatives have been started in several states now and even in Massachusetts this is a very significant drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.

Heroin rehab in Massachusetts uses buprenorphine both on an outpatient and an inpatient basis.

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Daycare Addiction Treatment vs Outpatient Programs in Massachusetts

The two prominent methods of addiction treatment in Massachusetts are the outpatient treatment program and the daycare treatment program. Both of these serve at bringing people out of mild addiction problems while allowing people to continue living in their familiar surroundings.

However, because these programs are so similar in the way they are conducted,

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